Wednesday 27 October 2010

Day One Shoot

Before filming even started, we encountered a problem in the fact that the person that was meant to star in our video, couldn't make it to either of the days which we had planned to shoot. This meant we had to work around the situation and ultimately use one of our own group members as the person to fill in the role.

Our first day of shooting was mainly placed in the music studio at Park High. I made sure to get a variety of different shots from different angles to enable us to have freedom with the footage available to us. Once each take was complete, we would discuss if we thought it worked or not and if we had to change anything. At one point we decided to move the lighting that was available as it caused shadows which we felt would be distracting and would effect the final outcome of the video once changed into black and white.
Our timings were precise and we managed to stick to our original schedule. As well as filming all of the studio shots successfully, the remainder of the day was spent on the photoshoot and taking pictures of our star which would ultimately make up the Digipack and the album cover. This allowed us to be creative in coming up with a look we thought would work best for our artist, the genre of music and the audience too.